SD Card
File Format
Select the video format that you would like to save into the SD card
Split Filename Type
Select the format that you would like to save the files in the SD card. You can pick
Name by Index
: Creates file names according to index.
Name by Time
: Creates file names according to time.
Split File Size:
Select the size of each file that will be saved into the SD.
You can select from:
None, 10mb, 25mb, 50mb, & 100mb.
Enable Auto Overwrite
: Auto Overwrite allows the device to automatically replace the oldest file on the SD
card when it is full.
SD Format:
SD format will format the entire SD card
SD Unmount:
Click the SD unmount button when the SD card is being removed this will safely remove the
card without any damages.
E-mail SMTP
In the settings section, you can find the SMTP information by clicking on the SMTP tab.
Here you can see the current SMTP Server information and email address.
Storage Settings
You can also select the file format in which you would like the IP Kamera9070-CS PoE to send.
Select from