The EPTZ allows you to Pan, Tilt, & Zoom the image that you are viewing.
To activate this feature EPTZ must be enabled in the Image section of the9070-CS PoE.
When EPTZ Controller is activated Video Codec mode will be switched to MPEG4 & M-Jpeg when disabled the
codec will be set on Mpeg1, Mpeg2, & M-Jpeg.
How to use EPTZ with the mouse
On the Live view Video screen the EPTZ controls are:
Zoom In:
Click and Hold the left mouse in the live view then release when zoomed to preferred point
Zoom into highest:
Double click left mouse
Zoom out:
Click and Hold the right mouse in the live view then release when zoomed to preferred point
Zoom out to screen fit:
Double click right mouse
Note: When using the mouse to zoom in the snapshot function will not take a picture of the zoomed picture
but the resolution size.
How to Enable and Use EPTZ Controller
When EPTZ is activated Video Codec mode will be switched to MPEG4 & M-Jpeg when disabled the
codec will be set on Mpeg1, Mpeg2, & M-Jpeg.
Also snapshot function works only with the EPTZ controller and not when using the mouse to EPTZ.
1.) Click on the EPTZ button located on the bottom of the screen of the 9070.
2.) If the EPTZ has not been enabled you will be notified that it must be enabled.
3.) Select Enable on the EPTZ function then hit the submit button
Once the Speed dome controller is activated you can click on left, right, up, down, and zoom buttons to view
the picture.
To use EPTZ without activating