3.) Do not forget to enter the password and login.
10.) Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q)
Why can’t I view the video files that I have recorded, nothing is playing?
VLC Codec, you can download VLC Codec from their website at:
How do I reset the device to manufacturers default values
On the back of the device there is a reset button, hold down the reset button for more than 7 seconds.
Then give the9070-CS PoE a 1 minute to restart. Once the device has restarted it will be set back to
manufacturer default settings.
Default Values
Default IP
: (When9070-CS PoE is connected to PC directly)
Default Login
: Admin
Default Password
: 12345678
Why does the device on EPTZ change my video mode?
When EPTZ is activated Video Codec mode will be switched to MPEG4 & M-Jpeg when disabled the
codec will be set on Mpeg1, Mpeg2, & M-Jpeg.
How do I take snapshots using the EPTZ function?
When using EPTZ function remember that only the snapshot functions works with the EPTZ controller.
If you are just using the mouse to Pan Tilt and Zoom into your picture you the snapshot button will not
capture the screen correctly. A way you can take a picture of the screen using the EPTZ with the mouse is
to click on the print screen button on your computer.
Why is the RTSP not connecting to my VLC player or Quick time Player?
To use the RTSP functionality it is necessary to first set your 9070-Lite to be the DMZ host in your
network. Also be sure to port forward your device at the following ports.
Port 554 for 1280 x 720P
Port 8554 for CIF format
Please refer to the routers manual on how this is setup
How do I improve the image quality on this device?
The Image quality of the 9070 is dependent on the bit rate of the device. With a larger bit rate the
device will naturally create higher quality image, but this will affect the smoothness of the streaming when
accessed through the internet. To find the most optimal settings for image quality and streaming
smoothness, try different bit rate settings to achieve the best fit settings. .