2X zoom:
This 2X zoom is 2 times the normal view for that type.
Scaled 720:
Is a resolution only available in MPEG-4-1, which sets the picture at 720P.
Screen Size:
Will enlarge the image to the who size of the screen. This function is very useful when trying to
display on larger monitors.
Motion Detection
Motion Detection:
The motion detection icon will display when motion has been detected. This setting must
be activated in the application section
When no motion is detected the motion detection icons will look like the following.
But, in the case that motion is detected and recording has started, the icon will look will light up blue.
Active Record
Active Record:
Active record will show up when the device is actively recording. Active recording functions
like motion detection, scheduler, or an alarm will set off this automatic recording.
When active recording is not activated it will look like the picture below
When the active recording function is activated it will light up in red.
The record button on the9070-CS PoE when pressed will record the live video feed and save the
video into the computer viewing.
To record follow the following steps:
1.) Click on the record button
2.) Then select the folder that you would like to store the file. Then hit okay.