Avante International Technology, Inc.
Check around the perimeter of this window to make sure the touch screen is working. If the
touch screen is functioning properly, then press the “No” button to move to the next screen. If
the touch screen is off calibration (meaning the pointer is not exactly where your finger touch is),
then use your finger to adjust the position to get the arrow to point to the “Yes” button. When
the arrow is over the “Yes” button, press the screen to activate the calibration program. Details
of the calibration program are described in section 6.3. If the touch screen is completely non-
functional, contact Avante International Technology, Inc. for assistance.
Upon completion of calibrating the touch-screen or aborting the touch-screen calibration process,
Figure 4.1.1D will confirm that the computer has detected a ballot CD in the CD-RW drive:
Press the “Yes” button to continue loading new ballot. If you press “No”, the system will start to
load the most recent voting database. If you press “No” by mistake you can return to this screen
by removing the CD-RW and then replacing it.
Figure 4.1.1D