Avante International Technology, Inc.
The next screen, Figure 4.1.1E asks for the Polling Official username and password for loading
ballot. Use exactly the same username and password as in the Manage Ballot Data Module. Both
the username and the password are case-sensitive. After you enter the Polling Official, press on
the “Password” space to enter the correct password. The default Polling Official is Super01 and
the Password is Vote01. Press “OK” to continue.
If you choose “Quit” the system will return to the voting module log-in screen Figure 4.1.1F
and load the last ballot used after the Polling Official username and Password are entered. The
system default settings require two sets of polling officials’ names and passwords: Enter
the polling official’s field
and leave the password field blank, press “OK”. Enter
in the
polling official’s field, and leave the password field blank, press “OK”.
Figure 4.1.1E
Figure 4.1.1F