Panel Overview
Operator's Handbook, AutroSafe Interactive Fire Detection System, Release 4, 116-P-ASAFE-OPERATE/FGB Rev.G, 2016-02-19,
Autronica Fire and Security AS
Page 10
2. Panel Overview
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Panel Variants
The user interface and operation of the Fire Alarm Control Panel
BS-420 and the Operator Panel BS-430 are identical. The panel is
therefore referred to as the
operator panel
throughout this handbook
(refer to chapter 2.2).
The Repeater Panel BU-BV-420 serves as both a Fire Brigade Panel
and an Information Panel.
The Fire Brigade Panel is identical to the
upper section
of the operator
panel (refer to chapter 2.3).
The Information Panel serves as an
indication device only.
The LED indicators are identical to the ones on the upper section of
the operator panel, but the panel provides different buttons (refer to
chapter 2.3).
In addition, AutroSafe comprises standard loop panels; the Fire
Brigade Loop Panel BU-110 and the Information Loop Panel BV-110.
The functionality/operation (including buttons and indication devices)
of these loop panels are, with few exceptions, similar to the Fire
Brigade and Information panel, respectively.
2.1.2 Indication Devices
During normal operation when the power is ON, the Power indicator
always displays a steady green light.
Apart from this, only indicators relevant to the actual condition are
visible. For example, if a fault is present the fault indicator will have a
yellow light.
The fire alarm control panel is available in three different variants
specifically designed for the onshore market (BS-420), maritime
market (BS-420M) and petrochemical oil & gas market (BS-420G/BS-
The BS-420M, BS-420G and BS-420G2 versions meet the
requirements of SOLAS Detection Zones.
Only the BS-420G and BS-420G2 versions support PowerLoop (The
Autronica loop communication protocol for high power gas and
flame detectors).
Name of indicators/buttons:
The name of the indicators and buttons are almost identical for all
versions, with some exceptions. Refer to the description in this