ventilation, escape paths & security
All motorhomes comply with BS EN 721. The
ventilation points on your motorhome are fixed
points of ventilation which are required by the
European Standards.
All motorhomes have ventilation at high level
and low level which have been calculated to
suit the individual needs of your motorhome.
High level ventilation is achieved by means of
the roof lights and washroom roof ventilators.
The low level ventilators are positioned
underneath the oven housing. Some models in
the doorway Stepwell.
Under no circumstances must these vents be
blocked or obstructed, even partially.
It is advised that fixed ventilation points are
checked and cleaned (if necessary) on a regular
basis using a small brush and a domestic
vacuum cleaner.
Additional night time ventilation is obtained
by releasing the window catches and placing
them in the second groove. Note the windows
are not sealed from rain in this position.
As the ventilation levels are calculated to suit
each model’s requirements there should be
no modifications made which may result in
reduced ventilation levels.
WARnInG: Do not obstruct ventilation.
WARnInG: never use portable cooking
or heating equipment other than electric
heaters that are not of the direct
radiant type, as it is a fire and
asphyxiation hazard.
WARnInG: Appliances such as cookers
must not be used for heating.
It is important that you do not block escape
paths to emergency exits with obstructions
or hazards.
Do not leave children alone in the motorhome
in any event. Keep potentially dangerous
items out of reach, as at home eg matches,
drugs etc.
Motorhome Theft
The theft of a motorhome can occur in the
most unlikely circumstances; from a motor-way
service area or even an owner’s driveway.
Secure all windows and doors when your
motorhome is unoccupied even if only for a
short length of time.
VIn (Vehicle identification number)
Record your motorhome VIN which can be
found on the base vehicle plate located on the
front cross member under the bonnet.
Make a note of these numbers in the space
provided at the front of this handbook and
make a separate note of the numbers to keep
safe at home.
Additional security
Consider fitting any device which might deter
or prevent intrusion by thieves.
Customers are advised to identify their
motorhome with a method for subsequent
identification if other forms of identification
have been altered or removed.
Free crime prevention advice about securing
your motorhome, protecting your valuables,
property marking either at home or whilst
on site, can be obtained from the Crime
Prevention Officer through your local
Police station.