You have purchased one of Auto Meter's hand-held Voltage Drop Analyzers. It is
designed to test each circuit of a trucks starting and charging circuit with speed
and accuracy. If you should have any questions about your tester or the testing
procedures please see back cover for contact information.
Test Capacity ..........................120 Amp algorithmic load
Battery sizes ...........................200-1600 CCA
Digital Display with backlight ...1" x 2.5" - 4 line x 16 character
Volt Ranges .............................Digital 0-40V
Cooling ....................................Vented
Load Clamps ...........................4 ft., 6 Gauge
External Leads ........................20ft 16 Gauge
Size .........................................6" x 9 1/2" x 1 7/8"
Memory ...................................stores the last 80 tests
Internal Battery ........................9 Volt Alkaline
Post Adapter Kit ......................For group 31 batteries
Optional AC-25 ........................
6 pin to 9 pin
J1708 Adapter
Optional AC-26
........................J1708 Cable
.......................Infrared printer
Optional AC24J .......................
carrying case
Optional AC-10
.......................PC Interface adapter cord
Optional AC-27
.......................Alternator Adapters
Optional AC-35
.......................PC download program
Weight .....................................4.27 lbs.
What to Expect from the BCT-200J:
Immediately recognize a bad battery. Also perform a complete voltage drop
test analysis on 12 and 24 Volt systems.
Load test 12 Volt batteries, load a 12
Volt alternator and do a check on a 24 Volt alternator. The BCT-200J is a portable
full-featured menu-driven battery tester and voltage drop tester that provides
quick, professional load results using Auto Meter's advanced algorithmic load.
The BCT-200J has the option of using a J1708 cable. It is professionally accurate
and detailed test results are LCD displayed after each test and can be reviewed
and printed from memory.
CAUTION: The BCT-200J grill may get hot after repeated use. Be sure to
hold the unit from the side grips only. Keep hands away from the grill.