Copyright (c) Fire4 Systems Inc, 2019. All rights reserved
Settings: Email
The Email service is used by Authonet firewalls to send alerts and reports to the network
administrator. It is important that the administrator is aware if an intrusion is being attempted.
Before alerts and reports can be sent to the administrator, the Email client settings must be
configured. Click on Settings, Email Settings to see the page in the figure below.
All ISP's will provide a SMTP email server service that can be used by any client on the ISP's
network. The ISP will usually provide 5 or 10 email accounts as part of the Internet service. The
ISP will provide the following SMTP server parameters:
SMTP server name
SMTP server port number
SMTP server login username
SMTP server login password
Email address created for the SMTP server account (usually created by the ISP)
Name of the sender (usually the name and serial number of the Authonet firewall)
Email address where the message should be sent
The alerts and logs that are sent to the administrator are selected on the Firewall Settings page.
The Google GMAIL service can be used as the SMS server, however extreme patience and
persistence is required to successfully navigate through the security steps required by Google.
Configuration for the
SMTP server that will be
used to forward emails to
the administrator
Click save
when done