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Simplest firewall configuration
The simplest firewall configuration is made by adding rules to the Unknown device group for a
one-rule-fits-all configuration.
When the Authonet firewall is first installed, all devices are part the Unknown device group.
Devices are not listed in the Unknown device group, however they can be seen by clicking on the
connected devices list, and are listed under unknown devices.
However, if different rules must be applied to different devices, then first name the devices so
that they move to the known device group. Next create groups corresponding to each of the
different device group rules. Finally move the devices from the Known device group to the group
that has been created for the device and has the corresponding access rules.
Adding device information
Unknown Device information is listed in the connected devices list, under the heading unknown
devices. In order to add a device to a group it should first become a known device to make
identification easy. Click on the device in the Unknown device list shown below in order to enter a
name for the device, and transfer the device to Known Devices.