4.1 Set the Cooking Profile
The controller’s cooking profile can be either set to multi-step mode (default) or single-
step mode. In the multi-step mode, up to 6 steps can be programmed. Each step has its
own set temperature for cabinet probe (Probe 1), and its step-ending criterion. A cooking
step can either end by timer or by food internal temperature (Probe 2). In the single-step
mode, the controller will try to maintain the cabinet temperature at the set value of Step 1
(“Step 1 SmkrTemp”) as long as the controller is on. To switch between single-step mode
and multi-step mode, please check section 4.1.3.
4.1.1 Multi-Step Mode
A total of 6 steps can be programmed on this controller. Each program step comprises a
target temperature of cabinet (shown as “SmkrTemp: XXX”) and an ending criterion
setting “
”, where “X” is the step number. For example, “
” means the
ending criterion of
Step 1
. The “ending criterion” is a new concept to people who never
used Auber’s controllers. It determines how a cooking step is considered finished. Two
options are available: time and food internal temperature (Probe 2). If you want
Step X
be ended after a pre-set time period, set “
” by “
”; if you want
Step X
to be
ended when food internal temperature reaches a pre-set value, set “
” to “
After you set “
” to “
”, you will need to set “
”. Here, “
” is
defined as the time duration (in hh:mm format) of the current step. The timer will start
counting even if the cabinet temperature has not yet reached the target cabinet
temperature. So, please make sure that the step time is long enough. If the step time is
too short, the controller may continue to the next step no matter what the actually cabinet
temperature is. If you set “
” to “
X-Fd Temp
”, you will need to set “
X-Fd Temp
to the desired food temperature (Probe 2), but only one setting is relevant to the current
cooking step depending on the
setting (either
X-Fd Temp
Timer or Target Food Temp.
1-T i me 10 : 00
1 -Fd Temp 195
Ending Criterion
1- End i ng by T ime
1- End i ng by Fd Temp
Step 1 SmkrTemp 250
Step Number and
Target Cabinet Temp.
Figure 17. For each cooking step, set the target cabinet temperature, ending criterion, and timer or target
food temperature.
If “
” of a certain step is set to “
Fd Temp
” while the food probe (Probe 2) is not
plugged in, this step will never end. Cabinet probe (Probe 1) should always be plugged
in, otherwise controller will stop sending power to the heater as protection. When all of