User manual
Version: v4.5.2
Often also called rigid body. Mechanical structure with known geometry on which several fiducials
are firmly attached. As soon as the tracking system detects and reconstructs at least three fiducials,
the six degrees of freedom are computed by the system.
Navigation system
A navigation system is composed of at least a tracking system and a computer on which an IGS
software is running.
Powered Device, when talking about a device powered by a PoE. The fusionTrack is a PD.
Power Over Ethernet, providing both an Ethernet connection and power supply using only one Eth-
ernet cable.
Power Source Equipment, when talking about a device powered by a PoE. The PSE provides power
to the PD.
Raw data
Image of a fiducial on a camera.
Software Development Kit, which is typically a set of software development tools that allows the
creation of applications for a certain software package, software framework, hardware platform.
Working volume
Portion of space in which the markers can move whilst being detected by the tracking system.
Troughout this document, references to glossary entries will appear in
slanted font
Atracsys / 2020-06-17 / 16:48:00
6 / 113