The machine will be provided with the needed fixing
screws, a single plastic will contain:
- 5 screws M10x60mm (vertical arm)
- 2 screws M10x40mm (vertical arm)
- 7 self locking nut M10 (vertical arm)
- 1 screw M16x100mm (Bead breaker arm)
- 1 self lockin nut M16 (Bead breaker arm)
- 1 Spring (Bead breaker arm)
- 1 self lockin nut M16 (Horizontal arm)
- 2 shim (Horizontal arm)
- 1 oversized whasher (Horizontal arm)
Vertical Arm Installation
After unpacking the machine, mount the
vertical post on the machine’s body using
the provided bolts, and tight them firmly.
- 5 screws M10x60mm
- 4 self locking nut M10
2 wrench 17 mm are required
Use the two shorter bolts on the rear of the
vertical arm support.
- 2 screws M10x40mm
- 2 self locking nut M10
2 wrench 17 mm are required