ATLAS North America Proprietary
Sea Scan ARC Scout MKII Operations Manual
1 of 1
Page: 25
Issue: 1.2.4
Operations Manual
Range Delay Lock = No
High Frequency Range = 15m
High Frequency Range Delay = 5m
Low Frequency Range = 50m
Low Frequency Range Delay = 0m
Channel On Selection = 0,1,2,3
Since, the operator will not always require different range and range delay settings a range lock and range
delay lock feature has also been implemented in the software. The lock features allow the user to set the
range and range delay for all channels based on the settings for channel 0.
Collection Enabled = Yes
Transmit Enabled = Yes
Range Lock = Yes
Range Delay Lock = Yes
High Frequency Range = 30m
High Frequency Range Delay = 5m
Low Frequency Range = 30m
Low Frequency Range Delay = 5m
Channel On Selection = 0,1,2,3
The Scout MkII has several web Command pages that execute a single function. The pages are
, and
. Sending a request for any of these pages will cause the Scout MkII to send a
response web page and then execute the command. For instance requesting the Sleep! page will send the
sleep.html web page (displayed below) and then put the system to sleep. The web server will not respond
to any further requests until the Scout MkII has been woken up.