The remote voice control feature does not work.
Make sure the operating system of your cell phone is iOS 8 or
later, or Android® 4 or later.
Make sure your cell phone is paired and connected to your
telephone system via Bluetooth.
Make sure no Bluetooth applications are running in the
background of your cell phone.
Keep your cell phone within 15 feet of the telephone base.
Do not lock up your cell phone’s screen or set passcode for
activating the voice-controlled application (voice app), such as
Siri®, Google Now
and S Voice®.
Make sure you have turned on or logged in to the applications
on your cell phone that you will be sending your voice
commands, such as GPS, e-mail and social networking accounts.
Make sure your cell phone’s data or Wi-Fi signal is in full
strength and your cell phone can connect to the Internet.
Try to activate the voice app on your cell phone to ensure it is
in place.
Once you have activated the remote voice control feature,
you are using your cell phone’s voice app to operate your cell
phone. If the voice commands do not work, please check the
cell phone user’s manual and the voice app’s help topics to
find out what commands you can use and any limitations of the
voice app.
Android® is a registered trademark of Google Inc.
Google Now
is a trademark of Google Inc.
Siri® is a registered trademark of Apple Inc.
S Voice® is a registered mark of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.