V4.3 10/09/19
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Using the directional arrow keys select the door number you wish to start with.
Once you’ve selected the starting number, begin closing each compartment door in ascending numerical order.
When you have finished closing all of the doors click the Complete button.
If your hardware has the facility to connect more doors than your system has, the system will recognise this
and present you with the message shown below. In this example the hardware can connect up to 10 doors but
only 6 are connected.
Select Yes and the system will remove these doors and any items that may have previously been associated
with them. You will then be taken back to the Door Administration page.
The Release and Release All buttons can be used to either open an individual door or to open every door in
the system. This option does not affect the setup process so the doors can be closed in any order.
Once completed, select Exit to return to the admin menu, and Exit again to return to the login screen.