Asentria SiteBoss 571 UserManual
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SiteBoss 571 - IP Address Restrictions
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Routing Settings
The following is a top-level overview of the S571 routing settings. For more detailed configuration and use
instructions for all of these please refer to the
IP Routing & Restrictions Feature Guide
Information Portal.
SiteBoss 571 - Routing Settings
A) Static Route Settings
B) Port Forwarding Settings
C) Ethernet to PPP/Wireless Settings
D) PPP to Ethernet Settings
E) Ethernet to WAN Settings
F) Web Login Forwarding Settings
This selection will display the Static Route Settings menu where you can configure static network routes.
Eight different routes can be configured.
The Port Forwarding Settings menu is for configuring the unit to accept UDP and TCP frames on an interface
and route them, translating their IP addresses and UDP/TCP ports according to configuration to a different
address on a different interface. Up to 32 individual routes can be configured.
Ethernet to PPP/Wireless Settings
Ethernet to Wireless Settings displays a menu that enables the SiteBoss to forward IP frames originating on
Ethernet that are not IP-addressed to the unit as well as forward IP frames received on a wireless interface
that are associated with forwarded frames that originated on Ethernet.
This option displays a menu to enable the SiteBoss to forward IP frames originating on PPP that are not IP-
addressed to the unit, as well as forward IP frames received on any Ethernet or VLAN interface that are
associated with forwarded frames that originated on PPP.
This option di
splays the options that enable the ETH2 port to operate as a WAN port by routing and NAT’ing traffic
arriving on ETH1 not destined for the unit out ETH2, much the same way a home Wi-Fi unit operates.
Web Login Forwarding is a feature where the unit will automatically forward a web UI login to another networked
device (via a separate Ethernet port) using port forwarding.
Static Route Settings
Static routes are network routes that specify in a more or less permanent way (
) that traffic to a certain
destination (destination host or destination network) gets routed out a certain interface or via a certain gateway.
Static routes give you the ability to fine-tune how outbound network traffic leaves the unit for up to eight different