TD 92579EN
15 February 2012 / Ver. H
Installation and Operation Manual
IP-DECT Base Station & IP-DECT Gateway (software version 5.0.x)
mod cmd UP1 times [/allow <hours>] [/initial <minutes>]
The times command will check the current time against <hours>. If it does not match this
restriction, any further processing of the command file is cancelled. <hours> is a comma
separated list of hours. Only those hours listed are considered valid times for execution of
the command file.
mod cmd UP1 times /allow 12,23,1,2,3,4
The command above allows command executions only between 12:00 and 12:59 and
23:00 and 4:59 local time (on a 24h clock). Note that if the device has no time set, all
command executions will be cancelled.
If the /initial parameter is set, the no commands will be executed within the first
<minutes> minutes after the device has been booted. This is done to avoid firmware
download and flashing when installing devices.
mod cmd UP1 times /allow 12,23,1,2,3,4 /initial 6
The command above suppresses any command file processing within the first six minutes
after each boot of the device. If /initial is set, new devices (or those that have been reset to
factory settings), the command file will be retrieved even if it normally would be
suppressed by the /allow parameter. This allows new devices to retrieve a site specific
standard configuration quickly.
Setting the UP0 Parameters
To perform a firmware update, use the following command:
mod cmd UP0 prot <url> <final-command> <build-serial>
The command above downloads the new firmware from <url> and flash it to the device,
then <final-command> is executed.
The IPBSs maintain an internal variable UPDATE/PROT which is initially (or when the device
is reset to factory settings) empty. The prot command will compare the <build-serial>
parameter with the UPDATE/PROT variable. If it is equal, no firmware will be loaded or
flashed. If there is no UPDATE/PROT yet (like for a new device), <build-serial> is compared
against the build number of the current firmware. After a successful download, UPDATE/
PROT is set to <build-serial>. Note that <build-serial> is not checked against the firmware
version actually loaded. It is your responsibility to keep this consistent.
If <url> ends with a slash ('/'), then a default firmware filename is added to the URL
depending on the type of the device.
mod cmd UP0 prot ireset 5.0.0
The command above determines if firmware 5.0.0 is already installed. If not, new
firmware will be downloaded from the following location depending on type of device:
The UPDATE/PROT variable will be set to 5.0.0 and the device will be reset as soon as it is
Similar to the prot command, the boot command will update the boot code.
Firmware filename