TD 92816EN
17-July 2012 / Ver. B
Programming and Installation Manual
Care Phone
The care recipient's alarm transmitter is often programmed as >Transmitter 1<. It
is possible to program an additional 15 radio based transmitters for the care
recipients at the >Transmitter 2<, >Transmitter 3< etc. Different types of
transmitters can be programmed, such as door alarm, bed alarm and fire alarm.
Alarm types
Here you can program the types of alarm which shall be sent to the care receiver
when the respective transmitter is activated.
>Transmitter 1< to >Transmitter 16< >External 1< >External 2< >Extra Button<
>User defined<
These submenus are multiple-choice, i.e., you cannot enter your own value, but
must choose with the buttons
from a list.
Under >Transmitter 1< to >Transmitter 16< you can see the alarm types for the
radio based alarm transmitters and under >External 1< and >External 2< for any
wire connected accessories.
In the same way, under >Extra button< you can specify the type of alarm to be
sent when you press the grey button on the Analog Care Phone / GSM Care
Phone. The default settings do not have this key enabled.
Under >User defined< you can create your own type of alarm. You state which
identification code is to be sent in the protocol used.
Location codes
A location code can be added for all radio transmitters and for the carephone:
>Transmitter 1< to >Transmitter 16 < >Carephone<
The location code indicates where the Care Phone or alarm transmitters are
located. It is stated as a numerical value, which you yourself can define such as
kitchen, bedroom or living room. The values can be between 0 and 255. Note!
This feature only works in certain protocols, such as STT, STT IPACS and BS 8521.
Alarm codes
In this menu you can define individual alarm codes for all the different alarm
numbers and addresses. This is used if you want alarms to use different alarm
codes depending on the alarm receiver. (If the alarms are to have the same alarm
code, irrespective of the alarm receiver, the alarm code is entered in >Edit alarm
code<in the main menu.) The alarm codes may not contain more than 16 digits.
The menu selection is:
>Alarm code A< to >Alarm code J< >Nightmode N< >Temp redir. V< >Alarm
code a< to > Alarm code h< >Nightmode n< >Temp redir. v<
The function >Replace digit< is used to change one or two digits at the end of
an alarm code for a digit that corresponds to the alarm transmitter's sequence
number. This function can be used when several alarm transmitters have been
connected to a care telephone, and you want to know which of them was
activated by the alarm. In the selection >Change digit< there is a submenu.
>Function< >No. of digits<
Here you can enter whether the function shall be enabled and if so which alarm
type shall be applicable. The alternatives are <Not enabled>, <Medical>,
<Protection > and <Medical/Protection>.