created from the drop down menu and confirm your selection by clicking the
“Load preset” button. Depending on the type of element, an additional dialog may
appear before the code (XAML, Extensible Application Markup Language) of the
new element is displayed in the lower part of the dialog window. You may want to
customize the code. By clocking the “Ok” Button, the new control is saved to the
overview page.
Step-by-step example to add an image: Select “Image” from the drop down menu
and click the “Load preset” button. Select an image file using the following file se-
lection dialog. The code is then displayed in the lower part of the dialog window
an can be modified. Save the new control by clicking the “Ok” button. The picture
will be displayed on the overview page.
More complex controls such as data bindings and animations are also available
but will require some programming experience for configuration.
9.9. Export and import of overview pages
Export and import of overview pages
Export and import of overview pages
Export and import of overview pages
Elements and complete overview pages can exported from the aquasuite and can
then be imported either on the same PC or on other PCs. For export as well as im-
port, the overview page must be in edit mode.
To export a complete page, right click a free spot of the page and select “Export
page” from the context menu. To export individual elements, select the element or
elements, perform a right click and select “Export selected” from the context menu.
For import, right click a free spot of the page and select “Import page” or “Import
items”from the context menu. Using “Import page”, the current page will be delet-
ed and only the imported page items will be displayed, using “Import items” will
add the items from file to the current page without altering the existing items. Dur-
ing import, the elements will be assigned to devices using the following scheme:
If a device with identical serial number is found on the computer, no changes are
If no device with identical serial number is found on the computer, the element will
be assigned to the first device found of identical type.
When importing complex pages with elements referring to more than one device, it
is recommended to edit the device assignment in the file using a text editor prior to
10. Data quick view and data log (aquasuite)
Data quick view and data log (aquasuite)
Data quick view and data log (aquasuite)
Data quick view and data log (aquasuite)
All data currently monitored by the aquasuite can be accessed in the “Data quick
view” section. This includes data from connected USB devices as well as hardware
data supplied by the Aqua Computer background service. Displayed data may be
filtered using the text box next to the magnifier icon, a chart shows the develop-
ment over a maximum of ten minutes. All data shown here is not stored perma-
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Aqua Computer GmbH & Co. KG
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Gelliehäuser Str. 1, 37130 Gleichen