ANZ HealthPay Medicare Claiming Merchant Operating Guide
There are a number of scenarios where the
Medicare Easyclaim application can time-out.
Scenario 1 - Patient Claim
If the Medicare Easyclaim operator pauses for
more than approximately 30 seconds during the
entry of patient claim details at any point prior
to Medicare Australia approval, the claim will
When a time-out occurs in this scenario, the
terminal will return to the Idle screen and the claim
details will need to be entered again.
Scenario 2 - Patient Claim
If there is a delay of approximately 30 seconds
between the claimant swiping their EFTPOS card
and entering their PIN, a time-out will occur.
When a time-out occurs in this scenario, a
message will prompt the claimant to retry their PIN
entry. If the claimant does not enter a PIN, the
transaction will be cancelled and a ‘Cancelled by
Practitioner Receipt’ will be produced.
Scenario 3 - Bulk Bill
If the Medicare Easyclaim operator pauses for
more than approximately 30 seconds during the
entry of patient claim details at any point prior
to the Assign benefits screen, the terminal will
When a time-out occurs in this scenario, the
terminal will return to the Idle screen and the claim
details will need to be entered again.
Scenario 4 - Bulk Bill
If there is no response within approximately 30
seconds to the prompt on the Assign benefits
screen, the ANZ HealthPay terminal will time-out.
When a time-out occurs in this scenario, the
transaction will be cancelled and a ‘Cancelled by
Practitioner Receipt’ will be produced.
Should the Medicare network become unavailable
for a period of time, the ANZ HealthPay terminal
will display a message when you attempt to next
process a claim.
In this event, you may advise the claimant to lodge
their claim through an alternative channel.