ANZ HealthPay Medicare Claiming Merchant Operating Guide
ANZ HealthPay Medicare Claiming Merchant Operating Guide
On 15 December 2020 Australia and New Zealand
Banking Group Limited announced that it was setting
up a partnership with Worldline SA to provide leading
payments technology and merchant services in
The joint venture formed by ANZ and Worldline SA is
known as
ANZ Worldline Payment Solutions
and aims
to give merchant customers in Australia access to
Worldline SA’s market-leading payments technology
and future innovations. ANZ Worldline Payment
Solutions commenced operations on the 1st April, 2022.
Pairing Worldline SA’s global leadership with ANZ’s local
expertise and existing relationships, ANZ Worldline
Payment Solutions aims to offer fast, reliable and
secure point-of-sale and online payment acceptance
for merchants and their customers in Australia, and
strives to deliver a suite of competitive products and an
innovative roadmap to help your business grow.
ANZ Worldline Payment Solutions means Worldline
Australia Pty Ltd ACN 645 073 034 (“Worldline”), the
provider of merchant solutions under the Merchant
Agreement. Worldline is not an authorised deposit
taking institution (ADI) and entry into the Agreement is
neither a deposit nor liability of ANZ or any of its related
bodies corporate (together “ANZ Group”). Neither ANZ
nor any other member of the ANZ Group stands behind
or guarantees Worldline.
About ANZ Worldline Payment Solutions