ANZ HealthPay Medicare Claiming Merchant Operating Guide
1. Welcome
Welcome to ANZ HealthPay™, providing seamless payments and claiming for healthcare
practitioners. ANZ HealthPay allows you to process Medicare claims, private health fund claims,
and payments all through your EFTPOS terminal. This operating guide provides in-depth
information to help process Medicare, patient and bulk bill claims.
This service can benefit General Practitioners,
Specialists, Diagnostic and Pathology clinics
through a reduction in the time and effort spent
on completing Medicare claim forms and through
payments usually being made within 24 hours,
straight into your nominated bank account.
Patients also benefit from this service. Using
Medicare Easyclaim they can now have their
Medicare rebate deposited directly into their
bank account.
This Medicare Easyclaim Merchant Operating
Guide should be used in conjunction with your
existing ANZ POS Turbo 2 or ANZ POS Mobile 2
Merchant Operating Guide.
Please take time to ensure you and your staff read
this manual thoroughly.
Your ANZ Worldline Payment Solutions Merchant
Agreement contains valuable information and
important requirements relating to operating
procedures. Instructions in this Merchant
Operating Guide form part of the ANZ Worldline
Payment Solutions Merchant Agreement and may
be changed or replaced by us in accordance to
the terms of the merchant agreement.
ANZ Worldline Payment Solutions’ Medicare
Easyclaim Merchant Support
1300 633 269
(24 hours, 7 days a week)
For instructions on how to process Medicare
Easyclaim transactions
To report technical problems with the Medicare
Easyclaim service.
ANZ HealthPay Helpdesk
1800 790 207
(24 hours, 7 days a week)
For EFTPOS hardware and technical difficulties
or merchant account enquiries
Medicare Australia Provider Line
132 150
(24 hours, 7 days a week)
For Medical Practitioner claiming enquiries
For other Medicare Australia system enquiries.
Medicare Australia Consumer Line
132 011
(24 hours, 7days a week)
For patient or claimant enquiries regarding claim
For other general Medicare Australia enquiries.
If a claimant has not received their Medicare
rebate processed via Medicare Easyclaim, they
should contact the financial institution that issued
the EFTPOS card used in the transaction.
* Call charges apply. 24 hour service.
** Call charges may apply from mobile phones
or payphones only.