ANZ HealthPay Medicare Claiming Merchant Operating Guide
ANZ HealthPay Medicare Claiming Merchant Operating Guide
Equipment ID
The Equipment ID option is presented if the
service provided is diagnostic.
The default value is ‘N/A’. The current Equipment
ID is displayed on the right of this line (‘N/A’
indicates that there is no Equipment ID).
If Equipment Items have been setup (see Section
Equipment Setup):
Select this option. The ANZ HealthPay terminal
will show the equipment ID List
Select the Equipment ID or N/A from the list
If the required Equipment ID has not been
added previously select SEARCH option, key in
the Equipment ID and press ENTER.
If Equipment Items have not been setup:
Select this option. Key in the Equipment ID or
leave the field blank (for N/A) and press ENTER.
The SCP ID option is presented if the service
provided is pathology.
The default value is ‘N/A’. The current SCP ID is
displayed on the right of this line (‘N/A’ indicates
that there is no SCP ID).
If SCP IDs have been setup (see Section SCP ID
Select this option. The ANZ HealthPay terminal
will show the SCP ID List
Select the SCP ID or N/A from the list
If the required SCP ID has not been added
previously, select SEARCH option, key in the
SCP ID and press ENTER.
If SCP IDs have not been setup:
Select this option. Key in the SCP ID or leave the
field blank (for N/A) and press ENTER.