Doc.Id. HMSI-27-212
Anybus CompactCom 40 EtherNet/IP
Doc.Rev. 1.5
Appendix B
B. Implementation Details
B.1 SUP-Bit Definition
The supervised bit (SUP) indicates that the network participation is supervised by another network de-
vice. In the case of EtherNet/IP, this means that the SUP-bit is set when one or more CIP (Class 1 or
Class 3) connections has been opened towards the module.
B.2 Anybus Statemachine
The table below describes how the Anybus Statemachine relates to the EtherNet/IP network.
B.3 Application Watchdog Timeout Handling
Upon detection of an application watchdog timeout, the module will cease network participation and
shift to state ‘EXCEPTION’. No other network specific actions are performed.
Anybus State
The module stays in this state until a Class 1
connection has been opened.
1. Class 1 connections errors
2. Duplicate IP address detected
PROCESS_ACTIVE Error free Class 1 connection active (RUN-bit set
in the 32-bit Run/Idle header of an Exclusive-
Owner connection)
Only valid for consuming connections.
Class 1 connection idle.
Unexpected error, e.g. watchdog timeout etc.
MS LED turns red (to indicate a major fault)
NS LED is off