MRT Models
Anthony Lifgtates, Inc.
1. General Information Section
1.1 Introduction
Congratulations on selecting an Anthony Magnum
RailTrac Liftgate. Anthony liftgates are among the
fi nest available on the market today. This manual
will provide you with the necessary instructions and
safety precautions to correctly install and operate the
standard, bed height (BH), or gas bottle (GB) models
of Anthony Magnum RailTrac liftgate. This manual, as
well as a Parts Manual for this liftgate is available (PDF
format) in the Manuals section of our website at www.
(1) Magnum RailTrac Liftgate. (2) Power Unit Enclosure.
(3) Battery Box.
1.2 Design Features
We believe the benefi ts of the Anthony SERVICE-
FREE design are signifi cant. The features designed
into our liftgates ensure LOW operating costs, decrease
maintenance time, and increase operating time; making
Anthony Liftgates the best choice for rail application
1.2.1 Service Free Operation
The MRT liftgate is exclusively designed for Service-
Free operation. These models have NO grease zerks, no
rollers or roller bearings, and no lifting cables; which are
prone to signifi cant maintenance and sometimes failure.
1.2.2 Dual Pump And Motor
The MRT is equipped with two hydraulic pumps and
motors that operate together, acting as a back-up in
the event one system should stop functioning. This
feature allows the driver/operator to continue making
uninterrupted deliveries for the the rest of his/her shift.
In the event one motor stops functioning, the travel speed
of the platform will slow by approximately half the normal
operating speed. On “Power Up/Gravity Down” models,
only the UP speed is aff ected. The lowering speed will
remain the same. On the “Power Up/Power Down”
models, both the UP and DOWN speeds will be reduced
by half.
1.2.3 Direct Cylinder Lift
Our liftgate is raised and lowered by two hydraulic
cylinders. These cylinders eliminate many normal wear
items such as lift chains and bearings. The cylinders are
housed with the H-frame housing.
1.2.4 Gear-Type, Flow Divider
The direct cylinder lift design uses a maintenance free,
non-adjustable, “gear type” fl ow divider. We believe our
fl ow divider has signifi cant benefi ts over other liftgates
which use adjustable “orifi ce-type” fl ow divider valves.
These other fl ow dividers are often diffi cult to adjust and
then hard to maintain proper pressure settings.
The Anthony “gear-type” fl ow divider balances the fl uid
between the cylinders within 2% of each other. Our
research and testing shows that our “gear-type” fl ow
divider is more accurate and trouble free than “orifi ce-
type” fl ow dividers.
1.2.5 Self-Leveling (rephasing)
After installation and during the initial operation of the
liftgate (with no load), the platform can be out of level by
approximately one to one and one-half inches and still
be within our specifi cations. This condition will not harm
the liftgate structure or hydraulic components and is
corrected with a procedure known as rephasing.
Rephasing is performed by raising the platform to the
fully raised position. Then, lower the platform about
ten inches and raise it to the fully raised position
again. Repeat this step several times while holding the
Up switch for 5 to 6 seconds each time. This allows
hydraulic fl uid to pass from one lift cylinder to the other
until the hydraulic fl uid is balanced on both sides.
After rephasing, the platform should be level with the
truck fl oor. The platform may become uneven again, but
this is usually caused by air trapped within the hydraulic
system. The air should work itself out in a short period of
time, through normal use of the hydraulic system.
1.2.6 Cylinder Mounting Swivel Connections
The Anthony MRT liftgates are equipped with our
exclusive “swivel connection” ends on both lift cylinders.
These connections are similar to those used in the
agriculture industry on three-point tractor hitches. Our
design maintains a straight vertical lift force between the
two ends of each lift cylinder, even when the platform
is out of level. This helps prevent internal damage and
scoring of cylinder pistons and rods.
Our design testing has proven through intentional, out-
of-level lifting; that NO damage has occurred to any
components of the liftgate, either structural or hydraulic,
with even as much as 12 inches of out-of-levelness.