MRT Models
Anthony Lifgtates, Inc.
Check for any mechanical interference in the slide
runners or as the platform opens.
Make sure the liftgate operates freely and smoothly
throughout its entire range of movement (up, down,
open, and close).
Make sure the platform is level when raised to bed
Make sure the platform can be lowered straight
down (below dock level) for dock loading.
10. Inspect the liftgate.
Inspect the liftgate for damage (bent platform
members or slide runners, cracked welds, etc).
Check all the fasteners on pins, brackets, etc. to
make sure those parts are securely held in place.
Check the platform chains and connection points.
Make sure they are in good shape and the ends are
connected properly.
Inspect the retention ramp and make sure it works
Oil the platform hinge points.
11. Inspect the slide runners.
Clean any build-up of grime or dirt off of the slide
runners (power wash if necessary).
Check both mechanical and hydraulic connections
to the cylinders.
Check for any excessive wear or gouging of slide
To decrease the eff ects of road salt, road grime, and
dirt on the slide runners, you can clean the slides
and runners with a power washer.
Lubricate the slide runners. You can apply
“Pam” cooking spray or other spray cooking oil to
rejuvenate slides for smoother operation.
12. Check for hydraulic fluid leaks at all three cylinders,
(one closing and two lifting) along the path of the
hydraulic hoses, and in the power unit enclosure.
Replace the hoses if they show signs of excessive
abrasion or leakage. Tighten any hydraulic fittings
showing signs of leakage and replace any hydraulic
fittings which are damaged.
13. Examine all Warning, Capacity, and Operational
Decals. If they are not readable they should be
replaced. New replacement decals can be obtained
from Anthony Liftgates, Inc.
14. Place the liftgate in the stored position and turn
off the power cut-off switch after each use and/or
15. If you find anything that shows signs of excessive
wear or damage, replace that part and any mating
parts that may also be damaged.
If you have any doubts or questions about your
qualifi cations to operate or maintain the liftgate, call us at:
Anthony Liftgates, Inc.
1037 West Howard Street
Pontiac, Illinois 61764
(815) 842-3383
Email: [email protected]
7.1.2 Semi-Annual Inspection
In addition to the items requiring monthly inspection, also
inspect the condition of the hydraulic fl uid..
1. If the oil in the hydraulic tank is dirty, drain the oil and
flush the entire system. Refill the system with the
recommended oil outlined in Step 7 of the “Monthly
Inspection” section.