AMF-Bruns GmbH & Co. KG I Hauptstraße 101 I 26689 Apen
T49 (0) 44 89 / 72 72 -22 I Fax +49 (0) 44 89 / 62 45
BedIenunGsAnLeITunG / oPeRATInG InsTRuCTIon / MAnuAL
26 Technical Datas
It is allowed to transport
One disabled person who is sitting in a wheelchair and whose wheelchair in weight / size is not stronger
/ larger as the lifting power / size of the lift / platform.
Capacity - Linearlift maschine
: Linearlift
Type / Size of the platform / capacity
EA 1500: 920 mm x 1380 mm / 400 kg
EA 1250: 830 mm x 1130 mm / 350 kg
EA 1185: 750 mm x 1065 mm / 350 kg
Type / Size of the platform / capacity
EATP 1082: 755 x 1380 mm / 350 kg
EATP 1002: 675 x 1380 mm / 350 kg
Type / Size of the platform / capacity
EASP 1085S : 670 x 1085 mm / 350 kg
EASP 1085 : 750 x 1085 mm / 350 kg
EASP 1300 : 830 x 1300 mm / 350 kg
EASP 1600 : 830 x 1600 mm / 350 kg
Legale pressure
80 bar
Legale persons on the Platform
max. 1 Person in wheelchair
Lifting velocity
10 cm/s
max. lowering velocity
15 cm/s
Control voltage
12 V
Device designed for Compartment
Security of the platform against unintentional
pipe burst safety valve
lowering if damage in pipe system
Security of the hydraulic against too high pressure
legale pressure 80 bar - react pressure
DBV 81 bar
Sonic barrier
below legitimate guidelines
160 kg