Versitron Operation Manual
DataView Output Specifications
USB Type B (located on back of the console).
The following is the format of the
output of test values:
######:bbbHHHHHSSSSSbTT where:
### = The sequence number
b = blank space
HHHHH = The hardness result
SSSSS = The scale ID
TT = The tolerance indicator (High, Low, Ok)
Data Export
To USB Drive. USB Type A connector I (located on at the bottom of the console).
Export of stored data (this is not a live data feed).
The data file is a “.csv” format file containing measurement and scale only.
The total length is 22 characters. All 22 characters are printed regardless of
whether or not tolerance values are set. If tolerance values are not specified, the
last 3 characters are blanks.
The format of the individual bytes is as follows:
1 start bit
1 stop bit
8 data bits
No parity
9600 Baud
Carriage ret. And Line Feed Messages are sent after the 22 character string.
Physical connections must be made before launching
. A
USB Device Driver (provided on accompanying CD) must be loaded on the
computer prior to the initial use.
Measurements made in verification mode are not stored in the data