No more than four (4) dryers (eight [8] baskets [tumblers]) can be connected to one
(1) common duct vent.
The distance between the dryer single ducts being connected to the main common duct
a minimum of 31-1/2” (80.01 cm) dryer’s width.
The ductwork
should be
laid out in such a manner where allowances are made at the rear
area of the dryer for removal of rear service panels/guards.
Individual ducts being added to the main common vent must enter the main common
vent ductwork at an angle not more than 45º in the direction of the airflow.
on the previous page shows the minimum cross-sectional area for multiple dryer
The maximum length of venting from the last dryer to where it exhausts is the following:
VERTICAL - venting run
must not exceed
8 feet (2.44 meters).
HORIZONTAL - venting run
must not exceed
15 feet (4.6 meters).
These figures
must be
increased in proportion if the main duct run from the last dryer has numerous
elbows or is unusually long. For extended runs or where more elbows are added, the cross-sectional
area of the duct can only be increased to an extent and a professional heating, venting, and air conditioning
(HVAC) firm
should be
consulted for proper venting information.
Exhaust back pressure
must be
no less than 0 and
must not
0.3 inches (0.74
mb) of water column (W.C.) when both baskets (tumblers) are operating.
Inspection doors
should be
installed at strategic points in the exhaust ductwork for periodic
inspection and cleaning.