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Blend Moves (continued)
Immediate Stop Conditions
The Immediate Stop bit makes a 0
1 transition in the Network Input Data.
A positive transition on an input configured as a E-Stop Input.
A CW/CWW Limit Switch is reached.
1) You do not have to preset the position or home the machine before you can use a Blend
Move. Because the Blend Move is based on Relative Moves, it can be run from any loca-
2) The Blend Move is stored in the internal memory of the SD17060E and can be run multiple
times once it is written to the unit. The Blend Move data stays in memory until power is
removed, the unit is sent new Configuration Data, or a new Blend Move is written to the
3) There are two control bits used to specify which direction the Blend Move is run in. This
give you the ability to run the Blend Move in either direction.
Blend Move Programming
All of the segments in a Blend Move must be written to the SD17060E before a Blend Move can be run. Seg-
ment programming is controlled with two bits in the Network Output Data and two bits in the Network Input
Network Output Data Control Bits
Program Blend Move Bit –
Set this bit to tell the SD17060E that you want to program a Blend Move
Profile. The SD17060E will respond by setting the Blend Move Program Mode bit in the Network
Input Data. At the beginning of the programming cycle, the SD17060E will also set the Transmit Blend
Move Segment bit to signify that it is ready for the first segment.
Program Blend Move Segment Bit –
Set this bit to tell the SD17060E that the data for the next seg-
ment is available in the remaining data words.
Network Input Data Control Bits
Blend Move Program Mode Bit –
The SD17060E sets this bit to tell you that it is ready to accept seg-
ment programming data in the remaining output data words. The actual transfer of segment data is con-
trolled by the Program Blend Move Segment and Transmit Blend Move Segment bits.
Transmit Blend Move Segment Bit –
The SD17060E will set this bit to signal the host that it is ready
to accept the data for the next segment.
Programming Routine
1) The host sets the Program Blend Move bit in the Network Output Data.
2) The SD17060E responds by setting both the Blend Move Program Mode and Transmit Blend Move
Segment bits in the Network Input Data.
3) When the host detects that the Transmit Blend Move Segment bit is set, it writes the data for the first
segment in the Network Output Data and sets the Program Blend Move Segment bit.
4) The SD17060E checks the data, and when finished, resets the Transmit Blend Move Segment bit. If
an error is detected, it also sets the Command Error bit.
5) When the host detects that the Transmit Blend Move Segment bit is reset, it resets the Program
Blend Move Segment bit.