Tri Power X33 Mod HP Manual | Rev 1.20 | © Alpha Technologies GmbH 2013
7. Bedienfeld
PM Status
Battery X
Voltage measured at the ends of the
batteries by the power module X [V]
Current required to the batteries from
the power module X (negative if the
batteries are being charged) [A]
Batt. Cahrger
Status of the battery charger inside
module X
Misc. X
INV. dissip.
Temperature of the INV dissipater
(Inverter) of the power module X [°C]
BST dissip. Temp.
Temperature of the BST (Booster) dissi-
pater of the power module X [°C]
Fan speed
Fan speed expressed as a percentage of
the power module X
Voltage on the DC BUS positive of the
power module X [V]
Voltage on the DC BUS negative of the
power module Xm [V]
PM histori-
cal data
Run Time
Total time working
Battery time
Total time running on battery
BattCharg time
Total time the battery charger has been working
Bypass int.
Total number of bypass interventions
Battery int.
Total number of battery interventions
Dumper int.
Total number of dumper interventions
No. Overheat
Total number of overheatings
No. Overloads
Total number of overloads
No. HV Bus run
Total number of overvoltages on the Bus
No. Out DC Level
Total number of continuous voltage presences in output
from the PMs
To choose the Phase X press the ENTER key.
Diagnostics (*)
Reset PM Errors
Deletes the memory of errors found in the power module.
(*) Only available in „SERVICE-MODE".
PM SW Update (*)
Update all the PWs
It allows the sequential and automatic updating of the internal soft-
ware of all the UPS power modules. Press ‘ENTER’ to start the proce-
dure. If the update is unnecessary the following message appears on
the display:
‘PM SW versions updated!’ Press ‘ESC’ to exit the frame.
Update a single PW
It allows the updating of the internal software of a single power mo-
dule. Using the ‘ARROW’ keys you select the module you wish to
update (‘PM00’ indicates the module at the top on the left, going on
to the last one at the bottom on the right). By pressing ‘ENTER’ key a
frame appears that gives a comparison between the software that is
actually in the module selected and the software you are about to
load. Press ‘ENTER’ to start the update procedure.
Once updated, the message ‘PM SW version updated!’ appears on
the display. Press ‘ESC’ to exit the frame.