We reserve the right to make technical changes | 83055600dUK – Translation of the original instruction manual (HMD 2) | ait-deutschland GmbH
RBE – room control unit
If the system has a RBE room control unit (extra-cost accessory),
this is set here:
Operating manual RBE – room control unit
Second heat generator
Here you can activate connected additional heat genera-
tors and set their parameters or deactivate connected heat
If 2 heat pumps are connected, note the number displayed in
the top menu row. It provides information about which heat
pump is currently addressed.
In order to change the addressed heat pump: page 11,
“Changing the addressed heat pump in submenus“
The possible settings depend on the respective unit type.
If several additional heat generators are connected you
can go to their settings by using the “Rotary pushbutton”
to scroll up or down (no submenu field may be activated
during this scrolling).
Efficiency pump
The menu is not shown in full here.
Heat distrib. sys
Heat distribution system
floor heat
Floor heating
control heating
Control of the heating circulation
Automatic control
Additional menu entries visible:
output heat. nom.
output heat. Min.
Nominal and minimum power of the
heating circulation pump (limitation
for flow noise) can be manually
Output heat. max.
Maximum performance of heating
circulation pump (only with “control
heating = auto” visible and adjustable)
Control dhw
Control of the domestic hot water
charging pump
Automatic control
Additional menu entry visible:
output dhw.
Performance of the DHW charging
pump manually adjustable
output dhw max.
Maximum performance of dhw
charging pump (only with “Control
dhw = auto” visible and adjustable)
output cooling
Maximum performance of cooling
dT cooling
Setting the cooling temperature
difference in K
Set bypass valve
Setting the bypass valve
Control signal UWP
Current value can be read off as %
Flow is
Current value can be read off as l/h
Save settings.