We reserve the right to make technical changes | 83055600dUK – Translation of the original instruction manual (HMD 2) | ait-deutschland GmbH
Cooling control
Set AT
Cooling depends on the outdoor
Fixed Tp
Cooling takes place per set
page 14, “Cooling based on set temperature or
depending on outdoor temperature“
screed heating
Mixer behaviour during the screed
heating program
Option only possible for external energy source (wood boiler,
solar system with parallel tank, …))
w. mixer
If the mixer is defined as a discharge
mixer, it controls according to the
setpoint temperature in the screed
heating program
wo. mixer
If the mixer is defined as a discharge
mixer, it always starts up during the
screed heating program
El. Anode
Electrical anode
Impressed current anode in the domestic hot water tank
Impressed current anode present
Impressed current anode not present
In the case of devices with an impressed current anode
tank, “Yes“ must be set in this menu field in order to ensure
the corrosion protection of the tank.
The impressed current anode must be connected according
to the operating manual of the relevant heat pump.
Heating limit
Switching on / off of the heating limit
heating limit enabled
heating limit switched off
If the heating limit parameter is set to yes, the heating will
automatically be switched off to summer mode and vice
If the heating limit is enabled, the daily mean temperature will
be displayed under Service > Informations > Temperatures.
At the same time, the heating menu will contain the menu
item heating limit. You can use this menu item to set the
temperature from which the heat pump is not supposed to
provide any more heat. If the mean temperature exceeds the
value set here, the return setpoint temperatures are reduced
to a minimum and the heating circulation pumps switched
off. If the mean temperature falls below the set heating limit,
heating mode is resumed automatically.
remote maintenance
Connection to the manufacturer’s
remote maintenance server
Remote maintenance function
switched on
Remote maintenance function
switched off
part 1 of the controller manual, program area “Service“, sec-
tion„Remote maintenance“.
Setting only effective with an outdoor
temperature > 0 °C.
Heating circulation pumps are
switched off, if required
The heating circulation pumps will
be switched if the heat pump has not
been requested for more than 3 hours.
The heating circulation pumps will
then cycle for 5 minutes every 30 min-
utes until the heat pump receives an-
other request.
If the external temperature is above the
return setpoint temperature, the heat-
ing circulation pumps will be switched
off permanently. They will be switched
on for 1 minute every 150 hours to pre-
vent them from becoming stuck
In the case of multi-function domestic hot water tank inte-
gration with solid or solar systems, pump optimisation must
be set to “No”.
Data access authorisation
If “Fitter” is selected, all parameters that can otherwise only
be viewed and changed with “AS” access (= customer service
with USB stick) can be viewed and changed with the installer
control CP
Compressor monitoring
Compressor monitoring switched off
Compressor monitoring switched on,
if the rotating field of the supply line
is incorrect, a “Net On“ fault will be
page 35, Error number 729
While the compressor is starting up, compressor monitoring
checks the change in temperature in the hot gas. If the
temperature of the hot gas does not change while the
compressor is running, a malfunction is displayed.
Only switch on compression monitoring for error locating
during maintenance work.
In the case of devices with a power supply monitor, the com-
pressor monitoring is switched off in the factory setting.
setting hc
Control of the heating circle
Set AT
flow setpoint temperature of the
heating is calculated via a set heating
Fixed Tp
flow setpoint temperature can be
selected independently of the external
temperature specification
Only possible without heat quantity
0 – 10 V corresponds to 0 – 50 °C
setting mc1
Control of mixing circle 1
Set AT
return setpoint temperature of the
heating is calculated via a set heating
Fixed Tp
return flow setpoint temperature can
be selected independently of the
external temperature specification