We reserve the right to make technical changes | 83055600dUK – Translation of the original instruction manual (HMD 2) | ait-deutschland GmbH
Query Temperatures
The menu is not shown in full here.
If 2 heat pumps are connected, note the number displayed in
the top menu row. It provides information about which heat
pump is currently addressed.
In order to change the addressed heat pump: page 11,
“Changing the addressed heat pump in submenus“
Flow temperature heating circle
Target flow
Flow setpoint temperature heating circle
Return flow temp. of heating circle
Ret. targ.
Return setpoint heating circle
Return external
Return temp. in separate tank.
Hot gas
Hot gas temperature
amb. temp.
External temperature
Average temperature
Average temperature outside over
24 h(function heating limit)
Act. service water
Domestic hot water actual temperature
upper DHW
Temperature in the upper part of the
domestic hot water tank
Targ. service water
Domestic hot water target
Heat source in
Heat source inlet temperature
Heat source out
Heat source outlet temperature
MC 1 flow
Mixing circle 1
Forward flow temperature
MC 1 target flow
Mixing circle 1
Forward flow set temperature
Current temperature of the room
control unit (RBE)
In addition – depending on the unit type of the connected heat
pump – the cooling circuit information provided by sensors in the
cooling circuit appears here.
flow max.
Maximum flow temperature
Intake compressor
Compressor intake temperature
Intake vapor
Evaporator intake temperature
Compressor heating temperature
Superheating temperature
Targeted Superheat
Superheating target temperature
Evap. temp. EVI
Evaporator temperature EVI
Intake EVi
Suction temperature EVI
EVi Superheat
Superheating temperature EVI
Target EVI superheat
Superheating target temperature EVI
Condensation temp.
Condensation temperature
Liquid temp before EEV Temperature of the liquid refrigerant
upstream of the electronic expansion
valve (heating)
evaporating temp.
Evaporation temperature
condensing temp.
Condensation temperature
Temperature of the liquid refrigerant
upstream of the electronic expansion
valve (heating)
Temperature of the liquid refrigerant
upstream of the electronic expansion
valve (cooling)
Program area “Service“
The software automatically detects the connected heat
pump type. Parameters that are not relevant for the con-
ditions of the system and/or the heat pump type are hid-
den. Some of the parameters documented in this program
area may therefore not appear on the screen of your heat-
ing and heat pump controller.
Many menus require scrolling with the “rotary pushbut-
Some menu entries and parameters are also only visible or
adjustable when installation technician or customer ser-
vice access is active. The different data access levels are
marked in this operating manual by symbols.
page 2, “Symbols“
Some parameters have adjustable value ranges. These can
be found in the appendix.
page 41, “System setting during commissioning“