Firmware update
Bonito PRO Technical Manual V1.0.0
Get remote port and device node map
Active Silicon frame grabber
Download the latest Bonito PRO firmware from the Allied Vision website:
Saved camera user sets
If new firmware contains a new feature or control, saved camera UserSets are
invalidated and erased!
Before loading new firmware, backup your current camera settings in the frame
grabber SDK.
Do not unplug the CoaXPress cables or camera power supply during the update
procedure. We recommend using auxiliary power instead of PoCXP for firmware
Firmware upgrade
Allied Vision does not provide a firmware loader tool, you should perform
firmware updates via the frame grabber SDK.
// Producer and Device handle can be taken from sample application provided by the SDK
CTLProducer * m_Producer;
GC::DEV_HANDLE m_Device;
GC::PORT_HANDLE m_RemotePortHandle;
std::shared_ptr<CPort> m_RemotePort;
std::shared_ptr<CNodeMapRef> m_RemoteDeviceMap;
m_Producer->DevGetPort(m_Device, &m_RemotePortHandle);
m_RemotePort = std::make_shared<CPort> (m_RemotePortHandle, m_Producer );
m_RemoteDeviceMap = m_RemotePort->GetNodeMap();
Code snippet: Active Silicon code snippet example