Extended Monitoring of CPU Utilisation (CR00012616)
Software Maintenance Release Note
Version sb275a05
C613-10464-00 Rev H
Figure 1: Example output from the
show cpu extended
CPU Utilisation ( as a percentage )
Maximum since router restarted ..... 100
Maximum over last 5 minutes ........ 100
Average since router restarted ..... 5
Average over last 5 minutes ........ 6
Average over last minute ........... 7
Average over last 10 seconds ....... 41
Average over last second ........... 100
Extended CPU Information
State ............... Enabled
Current Time ........ 21:44:49 (04aa9a34 / 2573941241)
Current Install ..... 54-281.rez (5012892)
Start percent ....... -
Stop percent ........ -
msSM Timestamp Util Caller Return1 Return2 Return3
04aa9a34 2573927208 100 0021a384 00031c0c 00027e8c 0021a57c
04aa9a20 2573907218 100 0021a384 00031c0c 00027e8c 0021a57c
04aa9a0c 2573887230 100 0021a4b0 00031c0c 00027e8c 0021a57c
Table 1: New parameters in output of the
show cpu=extended
Whether extended CPU utilisation is enabled.
Current Time
Current time in hh:mm:ss format. The time in
milliseconds since midnight, and the current timestamp
are also in brackets.
Current Install
Current installed release, with the size of the release in
Start percent
Percentage of utilisation that the CPU must reach, if any,
before the switch can begin capturing extended CPU
utilisation data. A “-” shows if no percentage is set.
Stop percent
Percentage of utilisation that the CPU must fall below
before the switch stops capturing extended CPU
utilisation data.
Time since midnight shown in milliseconds,
hexadecimal format.
Number of microseconds since the switch last restarted.
This figure wraps at 4 294 967 295 to return to 0.
Percentage of instantaneous CPU utilisation.
Return address of the function that the CPU is
Return 1, Return 2, Return 3
Return addresses for function calls on the CPU stack.