Chapter 6.2: Advanced Voice over DSL Configuration
5.4.1 Configuring RFC1483 Bridged
One of the most commonly used connections is RFC 1483 Bridged, attached to
the Bridge. This WAN connection performs a transparent bridge between the
SHDSL connection and the LAN connection. The CopperJet does not route any
packets. All packets received on one interface (i.e. SHDSL) are transparently
bridged to the other interface (i.e. Ethernet).
Important: DHCP Server need to be disabled when using RFC1483
bridged, attached to the bridge. See section Disabling DHCP Server.
If RFC 1483 Bridged is attached to the Router, the CopperJet routes the packets
from and to the different interfaces. Usually, you would configure NAT to allow
multiple IP addresses on the LAN interface of the CopperJet.
You need to add detailed configuration information about the WAN service that
you are creating. Your service provider must provide this information.
RFC1483, this is the default WAN connection name.
Virtual Path Identifier. A field in the ATM header. The
VPI is used to identify the virtual path that a circuit
belongs to. The VPI can be any value between 0 and
Virtual Channel Identifier. Part of the ATM header.
The VCI is a tag that identifies which channel a cell
will travel over. The VCI can be a value between 1
and 65535.
Encapsulation: LLC/SNAP. Ethernet over LLC/Snap. This is a bridge
connection method and is the default setting of
Bridge Settings:
Packet allowed out: By default all.
When finished configuring the WAN connection, click on Ok. Go to the
Configuration menu and click on Save config to save the new settings into the