Chapter 6.2: Advanced Voice over DSL Configuration
initring 250
6.2.1 ALAW/ULAW coding
coder <value>
can be one of the following:
ALAW is in general meant for Europe.
ULAW is in general meant for the US.
Example: to select alaw coding add the following line to the [file.initiad] section:
coder alaw
6.2.2 Flash on hook timing
Because the requirements of flash on hook timing differ a lot per country, the
minimum and maximum hook flash time can be configured.
flashmin <value>
Minimum flash-on-hook time in milliseconds after a hook-flash is detected. Below
this value no flash nor hook state change is detected.
flashmax <value>
Maximum flash-on-hook time in milliseconds before a hook flash is detected.
Above this value a hook state change is detected.
Note that if flashmax < flashmin, hook flash detection is disabled. Flashmin can
be used to set the minimum time a hook state change is detected.
Example: to set the minimum flash-on-hook timing to 60 milliseconds, add the
following line to the [file.initiad] section:
flashmin 60
Example: to set the maximum flash-on-hook timing to 200 milliseconds add the
following line to the [file.initiad] section:
flashmax 200
6.2.3 Initial ring timing for CLIP
Because the requirements of the initial ring timing differ a lot per country, the
initial ring time can be configured.
initring <value>
Time in ms the phone will ring. After the ring is finished the End-of-pulse
information element will be send within a SIGNAL message to the CO.