Allen & Heath User Guide for XONE:DX with Serato ITCH 1.6 22
The Xone:DX platters have different modes depending on what state of play the virtual decks are in.
When the track is paused, the platters are set to SCRUB mode. Platter
movements push the track forwards and backwards to find a specific part of
the audio, much like moving a record. Holding the SHIFT button will accel-
erate this movement, scrubbing through the track in larger audio sections.
When the track is playing, the platters are either in BEND or SCRUB/SKIP
mode, depending upon the state of the SCRUB/SKIP light. When the
SCRUB/SKIP light is out, the platters are in BEND mode. When in BEND
mode, platter movements bend the pitch of the audio up or down to align the beats of one track to an-
When the track is playing, and the SCRUB/SKIP light is on, the platters are in SCRUB/SKIP mode. If the
loaded track has a beatgrid, platter movements SKIP the playhead forwards and backwards whilst retain-
ing the synchronisation of the master clock. Each full platter rotation will skip eight bars. If the loaded
track does not have a beatgrid, platter movements SCRUB the audio, just like when a track is paused.
The playback speed of the track is controlled by the PITCH knob. By default the knob is set to
fine tune pitch adjustments, and turning the knob anti-clockwise will slow the track down,
turning it clockwise will speed the track up. Pressing and holding the PITCH knob down will
allow you to make coarse (big) pitch adjustments.
The PITCH LED lights will illuminate to indicate an increase or decrease in pitch. When using
SYNC with two or more tracks, adjusting the PITCH of any one track will adjust the tempos
of all the other Synced tracks, keeping the Sync lock.
NOTE: ITCH can play your music at a large range of speeds with or without keylock. For
more information see Keylock on page 29.