Allen & Heath User Guide for XONE:DX with Serato ITCH 1.6 48
The track information display area can be customized to display any of the columns listed below.
• album
• filename
• location
• artist
• genre
• remixer
• bitrate
• grouping
• sampling rate
• key
• size
• comment
• label
• track
• composer
• length
• year
Clicking on the triangle at the top right of the library will show the list so you can turn fields on and off.
You can resize columns by grabbing the edge and dragging to the width you want.
Editing ID3 tags
Much of the information associated with each track can be edited from within ITCH. Double click on the
field within the main library to edit it. Filename, length, size, bit rate and sampling cannot be edited, this
information is saved in the file itself. Note that the ‘Protect Library’ option in setup must be unchecked to
allow edits
(see page 55).
TIP: Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + E to edit text. Hold down the Ctrl key and move with the arrow
keys to change to a different field while staying in edit mode. When you have more than one track se-
lected, editing tags changes all the tracks in your selection.
TIP: The second column in the library is the label colour for that track. Click it to bring up a colour pal-
ette, and customize the virtual deck for that track.
NOTE: Tracks that are read-only have a locked icon.
MP3 files can contain album art. To display this album art, click the show album art button. There are
many third party applications available for adding album art to MP3s.
ITCH will create a folder on your hard disk called Serato where it stores your library database, crate in-
formation and other information. The Serato folder is located in the ‘My Music’ folder on Windows and in
the ‘Music’ folder on Mac.
ITCH will also create a Serato folder on any external drive that you have added files from into the library.
When you first exit ITCH you will be prompted to backup your library.
This creates a copy of the Serato folder on your system drive and on any connected external drives con-
taining a Serato folder. The backup folder is called ‘SeratoBackup’. After the initial backup, you will be
prompted to backup again if the last backup on that drive is older than a week or if no backup exists.
ITCH will only keep ONE backup at a time, so each time you backup ITCH will overwrite the previous
NOTE: If you have a previous version of ITCH or Scratch Live installed, the library folder will be called
ScratchLIVE not Serato.