Allen & Heath User Guide for XONE:DX with Serato ITCH 1.6 51
You can export each session as a data file using the export button. Select a session, then choose your
preferred file format, and click export. There are three possible export formats:
• text - to create a simple text file with your session information contained within.
• csv - to create a file for use in spreadsheet software.
• m3u - to create a playlist file, which can be imported into media players. Note that an m3u does
not contain audio itself, it only points to the location of your audio files. (Inserted tracks within
sessions will not be included in an m3u playlist.)
TIP: To make a new ITCH crate containing your session information, select a session and drag it to the
‘+‘ crate button. (This will automatically name the crate with the session date).