Monitoring Power Consumption
When ATPOL II is first turned on, it operates like a reporter, describing what it sees. New
measurements are generated each second that replace old measurements. Old measurements are
discarded. These are the
“present” values that are displayed as you press various keys. When ATPOL
II is instructed to begin monitoring consumption, it not only reports what it sees (the present values), it
also generates summary information about the entire monitoring session and about each logging
period. Summary information includes:
maximum values during the session and logging period
minimum values during the session and logging period
average values during the session and logging period
These summary statistics are of great value to you as you ask questions such as: "What is the
minimum voltage?" "What is the maximum current?" "How much does it cost to run this equipment?"
"What is the average load?" "When is my peak demand period?"
The ATPOL II measures most basic measurement types (such as voltage, current, power, power factor,
and THD) for every cycle of every input. The present value that is presented on the screen is the
average of these readings for every cycle during the previous second. The maximum value that is
displayed on ATPOL II is the maximum one-cycle measurement since monitoring began. The
maximum value that is recorded into each record of the consumption log is the maximum one-cycle
measurement during that logging period. The minimum value that is displayed on ATPOL II is the
minimum one-cycle measurement since monitoring began. The minimum value that is recorded into
each record of the consumption log is the minimum one-cycle measurement during that logging period.
To learn how to display the maximums, minimums, and averages since the beginning of monitoring on
your ATPOL II, refer to the various sections on measurement types. The maximums, minimums, and
averages of each logging period are
“logged”. This is the act of recording summarizing information
once every logging period. With ATPOL II, the logging period is set by the user, whereas the
measurement updating
period is always once per second. This insures that you don’t miss valuable
information related to the actual power used and the maximums and minimums present. Further, since
the ATPOL II does its measurements on every cycle of every input, nothing is missed in the
measurements and nothing is estimated.
After you direct ATPOL II to stop monitoring, all the information remains available to you in the data log
that is in ATPOL II. The contents of the data log are not displayed on ATPOL II's display. To obtain the
information, it must be uploaded from ATPOL II to your computer using the PSM software. The data is
recorded into a file in a plain text format that may be easily imported into spreadsheets, databases, and
word processors. In addition, PSM has extensive graphing and printing capabilities.
Only one data log exists within ATPOL II at any given time. Thus while logging of consumption is
proceeding, the data log is growing by one record after each log interval. When logging is stopped, the
data log no longer grows, but it is still available. The data is preserved even if the unit is turned on and
off repeatedly.
Содержание ATPOL II
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