August 18, 2020
Your design should contain an AES67 receiver and an AES67 Transmitter in order to run digital audio from the V-
Com through your design and back to the station.
An AES67 Receiver per station should be previously added into the inventory tab by selecting the + sign and
choosing an AES67 Receiver under the Streaming I/O sub menu. Drag and drop into your Q-SYS designer page an
AES67 Receiver, connect a wire from Output 1 to Input 1 of the V-Com Intercom Matrix.
An AES67 Transmitter per station should be previously added into the inventory tab by selecting the + sign and
choosing an AES67 Receiver under the Streaming I/O sub menu. Drag and drop into your Q-SYS designer page an
AES67 Receiver, connect a wire from Output 1 to Input 1 of the V-Com Intercom Matrix.
Next, “Save to Core and Run”. Once connected, double click on your recently added AES67 Rx module an choose
the stream name, which was set when you linked the station.