REF: Alcolizer HH3 Alcohol Tester User Manual V6
Page 4
© Alcolizer Technology
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This User Manual details the operation of the Alcolizer HH3 alcohol breath testing device
and AlcoCONNECT software for managing and analysing breath test results.
This User Manual is divided into various Sections and Sub-sections to enable the user to
access the required information with ease. It includes Cautions and Notes applicable to the
HH3 device and a Specifications table.
Equipment Overview
The HH3 Equipment List includes the following items:
HH3 handheld device,
USB cable,
Battery Charger,
User Manual
Downloadable AlcoCONNECT software
Carry bag or metal case (optional), and
Neoprene cover (optional).
Device Overview
The HH3 is a handheld device consisting of a hard plastic outer case, rubberised hand grip,
wrist strap and the following user displays, buttons and adaptor sockets (refer Figure 1):
Test Key,
Trans reflective (TFT) mono Graphics Display,
Mouthpiece Locator and Sample Inlet Spigot,
Up and Down Arrow Keys,
USB Port, and
Battery Charging Port.
This User manual is applicable to the Alcolizer HH3 alcohol tester certified to