REF: Alcolizer HH3 Alcohol Tester User Manual V6
Page 13
© Alcolizer Technology
Uncontrolled when printed
When the BrAC reading is calculated, it will be displayed on the screen together with
unit of measurement (eg: g/210L BrAC) and be retained until the Recovering period
has ended. This is indicated by Recovering shown on the display (refer Figure 14).
Figure 14 - BrAC Displayed: Zero and 0.065 g/210L
The Recovering period is the time the fuel cell sensor requires to recover from the
previous breath test. This period will vary according to BrAC readings displayed.
To perform another breath test repeat steps above.
Results will display on the screen for 10 seconds. A user is able to override this
function by pressing key to continue as displayed on the screen. (Figure 14a)
Overrange result is if a result above 0.462g/210L is obtained, the below screen will
appear (Figure 14a)
Figure 15a
Press key to continue function & Over Range Results
Passive Testing
Passive testing is a test that is performed in a non-invasive manner and without using
mouthpieces. The test is performed by holding the device approximately 80mm to 100mm
in front of the test subject’s mouth and asking them to count or talk so that exhaled breath
may be picked up by the device and analysed for the presence of any alcohol.