REF: Alcolizer HH3 Alcohol Tester User Manual V6
Page 11
© Alcolizer Technology
Uncontrolled when printed
Press the Test key. The device will perform a self-test and Please wait... and a
progress bar will be displayed.
Blow will be displayed when the device is ready (refer Figure 9).
Figure 9 - Blow is displayed when device is ready
Take a deep breath; place mouth over mouthpiece inlet (ribbed end) and blow a
gentle to medium breath sample into the mouth piece (refer Figure 10).
Figure 10 - Providing a Mouthpiece sample
The exhaled breath volume is indicated via a bar graph, scrolling left to right at the bottom
of the screen. A beeping sound is also heard during the breath sample delivery phase,
indicating a satisfactory breath sample is being delivered (refer Figure 11).
If the self-check is unsuccessful an error code will be displayed, and the device will not
accept a breath sample.