REF: Alcolizer HH3 Alcohol Tester User Manual V6
Page 12
© Alcolizer Technology
Uncontrolled when printed
Figure 11 - Sample Progress Bar
Continue blowing until the device takes a sample of the exhaled breath volume,
indicated by a click and long beep sound.
The frequency of the sound beeps increases with the intensity of the blow pressure. Blowing
too hard or too soft will result in an
Invalid Sample Try Again
” message
being displayed
(refer Figure 12).
Figure 12 - Invalid Sample Try Again message
Analysing a Mouthpiece Breath Sample
After a valid breath sample is taken, the Analysing Sample message is displayed until
the device calculates the BrAC reading. This will normally take a few seconds. In cold
climate conditions it may take longer to display the BrAC reading (refer Figure 13).
Figure 13 - Analysing Sample message