Notice of Operation and Handling of the PDP Module
L. [J Nie E'-’t^E'-1 module displays a fixed pattern on the v reen. it can make a differ etice Ln die luminance unci
chramaticity between a fixed pattern area und tlieodier areas This phenomenon ran he recovered by using
che valid display area of PDP module equivalently 1 {owevet Lf che fixed pattern
displayed repeatedly fot
extended peiiods of time, du n a difference in llu- luminance and cluoniaüclty could nol be? recovered
Ttii refc ire if you Incend i ■
■: lisplay l'JXl (I | rat cents. a scieei i-saver technique stiould be incorj Bra teil into yoc n
system co ininimize image retendon,
í:. '['he E^JE-1 module is controlled by high voltage While operating tlie module and immediately after powering
it "IL'. never dN onnect or connect the module^ power connectoi because
could cause a failure. If you
eie cd to disconnet I or a -m iect die module. wait lu
oi le minute
a h í
r potvor-off
3. 1.1
you watch the FDP screen
Lc.-i a
long period
dme. your eyes may become fatigued.
El Ls
thai you rest your eyreoccasiotially. W illi the limited knowledge currently available du re is m indication
that I Jure is
potential ilsk of eye da inages w lille watt hlng
module for li long peri'-cl oí
dm e.
-1. To ensure reliable opér ation of die PDF module? and In protect il from overticadtig. never wrap or covei Mu-
module w idi anything, Also, never place the E'-’E^E'-1 module Ln a confined space or any place dial has poot
G. To prevent a defec t or failure, he sure lo ■
ht- k the cable connections and powef supply condLcion before
To avnjd possible electric shock make sure the power supply voltage of the PDF module is turned off before
cleaning. To clean the PDF module’s glass panel, apply water or a natural detergent to a piece of soft cloth
ml gau/e. NEliJví. sure dial n - water comes in contact wJlh tlie connecting teim lnalson Üieside t.-i the glass
panel. Never use cliemlca] so I vet ils. su eh as painc thinn* r a ' benx* ne. to e lean the ^luss pat
7. Ttie FDP module is composed nj several materials such as glass, metals, and plastics. Tb dispose of Mu
ni- dule. y: -u s| i- n id insult a t|ULiJJJu-:l service engineer
S. Tlie FDP module is equipped w idi various piocection circuits dial automatically turn the module of! JL'
interface signal or llu- powef voltage becomes abnormal w liile it is operating EJ the FDP module suddenly
scops operating w-hLle it Is on. check tlie Input slgfial and p< iw* r
r« 'conditions beft ire restarting i t
9. If an abnormal situation occurs, such
ttie Input connector becomes disconnected, llu - PDP module will
go Inco stand-by and die tilgh output voltage w ill stop even If external fewer j-^ supplied. If a normal signal
is input añer this happens. operaMons w-ill res
une. Moreover. u die PDP module is operating normally and
abi ionnal sjt t iatíoíi occ urs. normal op -rat ion w-tll resume wit h t he re-input tu ig of li i ioi inal sjgi iLi I
10 Do m n pOace any equipment
generates excessive EM FRF I noise m a r ttie interface cable ■
■] tlie E'fJE'-1
module ac id civ to keep all ■
. ab Les
as possible.
Ll. Be careful not co break die ^Lus^ panel when handling die PDF module. Also, wear gloves or other hand
protection whet
1 iai idllt ig tlie module Li i order to prevent M
ijuries ll tat can c rc u r if I he ^luss pat tel breaks.
L2. Do uc.'l recombine, restructure or disassemble che PDP module The glass panel section and drive circuit
seuii ü i oL the 1PDP module aie closely connected and function as a |iliLl\ Ei I he module Js arbitrarily
recombined, restructured, or disassembled. FUJITSU FUTACHI PLASMA DISPLAY will not be
respoi isjhlc J' -i che i ui i', c íoí i . qc lality : or ope lational int egiity of
1 îe n »dificd n n >dc
1- ■
1:1 Wt u n delivering ca' transptirt ing che PDF modcdi -. protêt t llu ■
modcde from excessive viba aticm or shoe k Ei
the module is dropped ca' 11 ■'xcessLve vLba at ion or sJu.. k is applied !(.■ Ll. tl u - ¡Juss panel of the PE]F nic.-.luU-
could break and the drive clrculc could become damaged All packagltig for delivering or transporting Mie
module should be ■: le -sj^i jed !■ jf re 'liable shipping.
5 9 / 7 3
Содержание PDP4225M
Страница 14: ...Block Diagram MAIN AUDIO BOARD 12 73...
Страница 16: ......
Страница 18: ...15 73...
Страница 19: ...16 73...
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Страница 21: ...18 73...
Страница 24: ...21 73...
Страница 27: ...24 73...
Страница 28: ...25 73...
Страница 29: ...Audio Board BH M CH 05 06 14 sch 1 Tue Aug 16 22 15 14 2005 26 73...
Страница 30: ...DUBHE OSD Ver1 1 NAKS sch 1 Mon Oct 1B 11 47 11 2004 27 73...
Страница 33: ......
Страница 34: ...Main Video Main Power Supple____ Sub Power Supple EMI F ilter AC Intel Audio 30 73...
Страница 70: ...ifl Z 2 3 2 PANEL DATASHEET...
Страница 71: ...3 W Hc jn hB D i n I...